General trip
..on the boulevard of lasting images.
Today, in some somewhere that is conversation , Edward Hopper came up.
Found some spoofs of his Boulevard of broken dreams (as I suspected , Green Day dint make that up)
The original
...and here are two spoofs with varying subtlety
....Jus like this would Kubrick (broadband or adjust)
..and on the general trip , is a painting I snatched off the wall of an Indonesian hotel ,
If that fish at the bottom right is Gurame , thats my hand reaching for it.
I dont believe this. I dont fuckin belive it. I have been on this spoof trip for so bloody long, that i got a shock when i saw it here. Was actually going to put up a similar collage on "American Gothic" wchich has like a billion spoofs. Have been on this hopper trip right from when i saw blade runner. Some blade trivia is there.
hopper da man.. have you seen house by the railroad? kickass shit. the number of things inspired by that painting is awesome.. everything from psycho to addams family to god knows what else.
Railroad also reminds me of the Fall of house of Usher by Edgar Allen Poe
Obligatory comment. And you people are all very knowledgeable. Artsy cool types, eh?
rbuajpd, yay!
..and you are the whistleblower eh?
Not artsy.
Solpa Tripsy.
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