Friday, March 24, 2006

That EU psyche

#1 The EU is on the verge of scrapping all roaming charges within the EU.Predictably Telecom operators in other parts of the world , must be having sleepless nights.

And atleast one company that has grown by working the super lucrative roaming charges market ,faces an axe at the foundation of its business model.(I almost joined this company once , the guy who joined in my place just sent me pics from a business trip to Trinidad where he's sandwiched by bosoms at the Carnivale...hmmm )

I digress.

#2 France has dragged Apple to court for refusal to make its iTunes music store open to users of all mp3 players and for iPod customers to be able to use other online music stores such as Sony's.
With such entrenched business interests ,Apple sells about 3 million songs a day via its iTunes Web site for 99 cents each , Apple is said to be considering pulling out of France altogether rather than bend and risk setting a precedent.Even apple knows they have to yield someday , but they'd rather delay it.

Digressing is the point of this blog.

#3 All over France students are staging violent protests against labour reform that will allow employers to fire young workers without reason during a 2 year probationary period.They demand their terms remain the same as their parents'..think 38 hour work week, 2 years salary if you are laid off , 7 weeks get the picture.

Now there seems to be a contradiction in #3 to #2 and #1 from a business perspective, but there is a consistency in the "protetction of the individual's rights" thing.

Leaders of EU are huddled in a much hyped EU summit to address protectionism and economic nationalism. Yeah right , thats like asking a Frenchman to have a meal in 30mins.

Still , I think Lakshmi Niwas will be watching closely.


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